Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Master of Information Technology Program Graduate Program STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta directed at the graduates virtuous , entrepreneurial and have the following qualifications :

  1. Ability to design and manage software projects
  2. The ability to master the technical aspects of management and use of information technology
  3. The ability to evaluate and deal with the impact of information technology
  4. Power has the ability to produce innovative products / services information technology
  5. The ability to design , develop , and implement projects in the field of digital media

To realize the vision and mission of the program , MTI STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta develop a multidisciplinary approach , using research -based teaching methods and problem solving as well as students are educated and trained to acquire special expertise in the field of information technology . In addition, the complexities and challenges that continue to thrive in the information technology sector , the Master of Information Technology program has three concentrations , namely :

1. Chief Information Officer Management

  • The development of ICT , the potential of the technology and the business use of ICT in the context of opportunities for organizations and organizational transformation
  • Formulation availability and governance of ICT in the vision , mission and goals of the organization that ensures compatibility between business strategy and ICT strategy so that the dynamics of the organization always leads to goal

2. Information systems

  • Science in management information that can be used to enhance the competitive advantage to an enterprise
  • Analysis , design , and evaluation of an information system and information technology including the implementation of a secure latest technologies in building information systems
  • Construction , development and management of information systems in various areas of the enterprise decision-making techniques to support effective information -based decisions in the achievement of organizational goals , including the selection of appropriate information technology platform with enterprise requirements
3. Digital Media Technology
  • Modeling techniques and three-dimensional reconstruction and able to implement them in the development of an interactive three-dimensional environment
  • Principles of animated films , covering technical, artistic , commercial and able to implement in the production of animated films , including the development of techniques in animation systems
  • Making the overall game design ranging from ideas , playtesting to prototype , equipped with a complete design document
  • Understanding and mastery of a skill game overall producer of preparation , team work , to management and work schedule
  • Making digital creative work both independently and in teams include business development in the field of digital creative industries .



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