– has become a regular tradition of hereditary, each month the Shura
(Islamic calendar – Muharram) community supported Government Tourism
Office of Cilacap held a procession of Alms. For the year 2009 was held on Thursday, K – Friday Kliwon, 17 – 18 December 2009.
The title of this culture in the form of the procession route with jolen from the square towards the Bay of Turtles. This year the route of the procession is the Hall of Wijayakusuma Cakti Jolen – JL. Jend. Wiratno – JL. Sudirman – JL. Spinning – JL. Kendilwesi – JL. Veteran – JL. Paddle – JL. Pasir Mas – and ends at Turtle Bay Beach
Overview of the history of charity sea
sea is one manifestation of an expression of gratitude made by a group
of fishermen Sidakaya, Sentolokawat, Tegalkatilayu, Donan, Lengkong,
Pandanarang, PPSC and Kemiren.
ceremony was preceded by a procession of events bring the offerings
(jolen) to set adrift into the sea off the coast of the Bay of Turtles
Cilacap. Jolen paraded from Cilacap Regency,
Pendopo heading in the direction of the Gulf Coast Turtle accompanied
the procession followed by stumps and Jolen Jolen-other accompaniment by
Jolen procession participants dressed in traditional indigenous
Fishermen County Cilacap first time.
arrival at the Gulf Coast Turtle offerings later on move to fishing
boats that have been decorated with colorful ornaments to the ocean in
the area of waste ketengah small island called the island Majethi.
tradition of charity sea begins from the Cilacap Regent Tumenggung
Tjakrawerdaya III to III who ordered the elder fisherman named Ki
Pandanarang Arsa Menawi for sea fishing kelaut South along with the
offerings of other Friday Kliwon month Shura in 1875 and from 1983 was
hired as a tourist attraction.
sea before the day of execution was preceded by a procession of nyekar
or pilgrimage to the shore Reef Bandung (Majethi Island) East Southeast
of the island of Nusakambangan conducted by indigenous Fishermen Cilacap
Chairman and followed various groups of fishermen and the public to ask
God Almighty to catch fish on the abundant fish harvest and the
fishermen were given salvation.
the ceremony nyekar also holy water/sorcerer mengambl around the island
Majethi, which according to legend a growing interest "city.
the evening the show continued with traditional art performances in
every village/kelurahan by groups of fishermen are concerned.
on the eve of the Summit events, people from out of town have been
flocking to the town of Cilacap, converged on the Gulf Coast turtle. This resembles the cultural crowd hustle as lebaran.
cons of alms this sea also occurred in the community, where among the
theologian (Islamic scholars) are considered upoacara this as shirk,
though wrapped in a cultural label. This is because the presence of a dumped overboard for talisman, something which is considered forbidden religion. However, this tradition still takes place on a regular basis.