Brazil Failed To Finish The World Cup Stadium Before The FIFA Deadline

Thursday, 5 December 2013

The Brazilian Government did not exaggerate the issue of delay in completion of the 2014 World Cup stadiums, saying the delay in fulfilling the FIFA deadline will not affect the country's ability to host the tournament for the national program for next year.

A day after FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke said the three stadiums will not be ready on time, i.e. December 31, Brazilian officials have said they plan to finish six places remaining after that date.

They claimed only three spots pending, and the other three will be completed after the deadline due to problems of local authority-party agenda.

Sports Minister Aldo Rebelo said Brazil Brazil as a bride who was late coming to the wedding, but the show will still take place as planned.

Meanwhile, the new President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) Thomas Bach will soon pay a visit to Rio de Janeiro to examine directly the problematic 2016 Olympics preparations.

Bach said he would visit Brazil in "the next few months," the Committee warned that organizers of the "may not be a waste of time '' in preparation for the first Olympics in South America.

Bach said the aim was to "ensure a smooth cooperation" between the local organizing Committee, city, regional and national Governments.

Preparations for the Olympics and the World Cup next year in Brazil, has been plagued by development delays.

Bach, who was elected IOC President in September, wants to ensure the responsibility of the IOC – Brazil in the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.

He said "I want to make this statement in person to show that the President supported this Olympics and we are fully committed to pass along to the event. ''


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